These are from my Mom's garden.
Even weeds can be pretty if you get up close.
should be sleeping--but I'd rather be knitting!
These are from my Mom's garden.
Even weeds can be pretty if you get up close.
I used one ball of Noro Kureyon sock yarn and had a LOT of yarn left over. There is plenty of yarn in the skein to find a repeat to match the first sock. But, the repeat lengths vary, as you can see in the pictures.
I tried as best as I could to start in the same spot, but even accounting for the fact that I might be a bit off in where I started, the repeats are just not the same. Look at the socks. I start off with dark green. What you can't see is there is a touch a yellow in the cast on row in both--so somewhere pretty close. Then look at that blue--the left sock has a very long blue and then periwinkle--the right socks blues are much shorter. But in the end, I think they match enough that I can wear them to work without getting strange looks.
See my mistake in the eye of partridge heel? There was no way I was ripping that back. I don't think it is very noticeable. Anyway, it makes the socks uniquely mine.
Needle US 1 / 2.25 mm and US 1½ / 2.5 mm
Yarn Noro Kureyon Sock
Although it took me 2 months to finish these socks, that was mostly because my main project was my sweater. I was working on these socks while avoiding the sweater, or travelling.
On other news--my first planted letterbox has been found. Very exciting. Unfortunately, it seems as though it needs some maintenance. I'll have to get to this week.
My sisters and I have identical hair--so you can imagine what it looked like before she had it done--a bit on the wavy (but not curly) side.
On knitting news--here is the current state of my Fair Isle Cardigan. I have 3 more inches to go before I can attach the sleeves and begin the yoke. That is approximately 5600 stitches--sigh. Getting there though.
I have turned the heel of my second Noro Jaywalker--now to get the gusset going. Sorry no picture for that one.
Also, I've changed my letterboxing trail name to more closely reflect who I am--neknitter (New England knitter, any knitter, or nekkid knitter as one commenter suggested)--and I have carved a new signature stamp. With apologies to whomever I swiped this image from. I found it a while back and saved it because I liked it. This knitter seems to be a bit more fashionable than I am--but I think in general the stamp gets the point across--slightly wavy hair and all.