Monday, November 24, 2008

November knitting

While it seems I haven't been doing much knitting in November, I think it is just items with deadlines that did not need a lot of brain power, and so I just focus on them to get them done, without thinking about them too much.

I've already written about the scarf for the swap. The other deadline knitting that I have been doing is for Connor's caps. More info can be found on Chocolate Sheep's blog--but in brief, her son's classmate Connor was diagnosed with cancer and is currently undergoing treatment. His school is having a hat day (some of the kids are shaving their heads in support), and Chocolate Sheep was hoping to collect hand knit hats in the school colors to distribute for hat day. So, I knit a couple of hats in gray, blue and gold (in snuggly warm Berkshire), and so did a few of my knitting buddies. I'm collecting the others tonight and sending them off to Wisconsin before Thanksgiving--giving them time to get there before hat day.
So the month of November was spent knitting hats and a scarf. Now that those are done, I'm not quite sure what to do. I picked up that second everlasting bag stopper I started a while back. I'm about 1/3 of the way done. Mindless knitting. That will keep me occupied for a bit. But what to do next. I haven't done any socks in a while. I have some yarn that I bought for a sweater. I've got an interesting recipe for a tank type top (get a jump on summer items--maybe it will be ready in time to actually wear for the season it was intended).
Decisions, decision . . .

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